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Potassium content of plants, the amount of potassium available in the soil in obtainable form,
The species and amounts of other cations found, plant species, developmental status, age, etc.
changes under the influence of factors. The metabolically active growth of plants
Potassium is relatively higher in organs such as tip, young leaf, root tip. plants
they get most of the potassium they need during the vegetative development period.
The amount of potassium in the vegetative organs of plants is much higher than in the seeds.
The amount of potassium generally required for optimum plant growth is between 1-5%.


  1. Function of Potassium in Enzyme Activity: Potassium is an essential element for most enzyme activities.
    element. Therefore, it is an important chemical in plants that do not have enough potassium.
    changes occur. For example, soluble carbohydrates accumulate, the amount of starch decreases and
    The amount of soluble nitrogenous compounds increases. This is the absence of sufficient K+.
    due to disruption in carbohydrate metabolism. Starch synthesis
    Different valence cations are effective in starch synthetase enzyme activity.
    However, among these monovalent cations, the activity of K+ is at the highest level. plant food
    Activation of the ATP’ase enzyme, which plays a role in the active absorption of
    K has an important function.
  1. Function of Potassium in Photosynthesis: Formed as a result of light reactions of photosynthesis and
    K+ has the main role in the synthesis of ATP, which is a metabolic energy source.
    As the amount of potassium increases in the leaves, photosynthesis and ribulosediphosphate carboxylase enzyme
    It was found that activity and photorespiration increased. drought in arid conditions
    In plants under stress, photosynthesis is negatively affected by high amounts of K+.
    and the plant suffers less damage.
  2. The Function of Potassium in the Transport of Photosynthesis Products: Related to the amount of K+ in the plant. As a result, the loading and transport of photosynthesis products into the phloem increases. potassium photosynthesis. As on the transport of products to the phloem, as well as the transport of stored materials. It is also effective in conversion.
  1. Function of Potassium in Cell Growth: Cell growth accounts for 80-90% of the cell volume
    It occurs when a large central cavity that covers the cell is formed inside the cell. For this two
    main point must be met. These are cell wall growth and nutrients.
    It is the increase of osmotic potential in the cell with the accumulation of K+ in the cell.
    closely related to the accumulation. K+ on phytohormones that have an important role in cell growth
    significant and positive impact.
  2. Function of Potassium on Water Balance in Plant: Removal of K+ by active absorption and
    As a result of the accumulation of water, the osmotic potential increases in the cell and accordingly, more water enters the cell.
    becomes an entry. For this reason, potassium plays an important role in maintaining the water balance in the cell and therefore the plant
    is of great importance. Reduction in transpiration rate in plants containing sufficient K+
    In parallel, the amount of water lost to the atmosphere in the form of steam also decreases.